Greene Farms
Recreational Facilities Association


Greene Farms Recreational Facilties Association Membership membership includes all homes in Phases 6 & 7 (committed lots) as well as those home in Phases 1-5 who opted in (option lots).  Membership to the GFRFA is NOT the same as the homeowners association, therefore dues, meetings, elections, board of directors, covenants, and by-laws are completely separate.

History and Purpose


Greene Farms Recreation Facilities Association (GFRFA) was established by Pulte during the inception of Phase 6.  The purpose of the board is to manage the Greene Farms pool and it's surrounding landscaping and property.

As Phase 6 completed and construction began in Phase 7, the Association was turned over to the homeowners.  In October 2004, a board was elected during our first association meeting.  The membership consisted of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. 

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